Monday, November 07, 2005

Guess what? I broke my toe. It's quite silly; I was walking through my room without my glasses and my toe caught on the wheel of my suitcase and pulled backwards. However, it does hurt a fair bit and the effort of walking across town to the internet cafe and especially going up and down the 2 flights of winding stairs to my apartment is too much for me for the moment. The good news is I should have internet at home (isn't it a miracle?) in 5-7 days. Then I can post to my heart's content. I just taught my advanced ESL adults class at the community centre which happens to be right next to the internet cafe so that's why I'm here now. Come to think of it, I'll probably be able to come again after my beginners adults class Wednesday. I really want to put up the Barcelona pics etc. I've never broken a bone before and it's a little disconcerting. After taking the x-ray at the hospital I was left to wait for the doctor to return. I was in the room for about an hour, staring the x-ray of my broken toe(all lit up) in the face. ugh. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be all better soon and I'm just taking it easy for now. Did you have nice weekends?


At 11/09/2005 8:35 PM, Blogger J Fraser said...

Mom: I didn't get the crutches...I have a prescription for them but I kind of figured maybe I don't need them although my foot is super sore right now so I'm rethinking that decision a little...I'm walking in sneakers too now but it's more like limping.

Doug: You should know there's only one guy I'm chasing and he lives in Victoria!
Here in Narbonne, I'm not personally being affected by all the riots, although we see it on the news every day and it's really crazy and scary. I think France has a real racism problem that affects every aspect of life for those marginalised. Unemployment is one of the biggest problems and it will take time to change things I think.
Actually No one told me that Grandma was going in for surgery! She will definitely be in my prayers.


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