Friday, April 07, 2006

They love English!

Tonight was a special dinner out with my adults beginner class from the local community centre. Steph came too, which was good, so they could hear her 'real' English accent...they're always complaining about my Canadian accent.
Here is Martine, wife of Patrick
Monique and Victorine
Patrick, Ny Ampela (our upstairs neighbour and the youngest in the class) and I
Jeannine, a total newbie to English, who told me tonight, that because of me, she loves the English language. so sweet!


At 4/08/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger Susan Natalie said...

Wow Jessica - I'm so jealous! I've never been to France! Looks like you're having the best time!

At 4/09/2006 12:22 PM, Blogger J Fraser said...

Hey Mom,
My goodness....I can't quite imagine your house all pulled apart like that. I guess by the time I see it, it will be totally different. Good luck for the next few days and see you soon!!

Hey Susan,
Thanks! It's going pretty good though I do get homesick sometimes..Now that the weather's all summery it helps a lot!


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