Sunday, May 07, 2006

Recovery Mode

Mom has gone home to Victoria. I'm back in Narbonne. That's the long story short. So many things happened, stuff I planned on blogging about but then time passed and I wasn't able to have access to internet etc. We arrived from Rome in Narbonne Thursday night after all day traveling in planes, trains etc. I got mom and I some cheap flights through easyjet instead of taking the night train again. That was clearly not an option. Friday we had a beautiful day at the beach in Gruissan. Steph kindly drove and Rahel came too so it was the four of us. Mom and Steph dipped briefly in the water but Rahel and I had a good swim in the sea. First swim of the season, yay! I tried out the bikini I bought back during the January sales and it's great, dried off in like 20 minutes. Then Friday night we had the going away party for Rahel, Louise and Wilson. I wonder if I'll ever see them again. I hope so. Anyway I drank too much and was truly ill the next morning to take mom to the airport in Toulouse. So classy, right? I ended up staying in Toulouse because I wasn't able to take the train so Mom actually got home before me, as Steph pointed out. Alls well that ends well I guess.

Mom makes it to the Mediterranean! First time, before we went away to Italy.


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