Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things that are new & fabulous

My new coat...that's a start....

YAY! our new roomie, Stephanie.

Otalia is still here, of course, but our apartment is ridiculously huge (we had 2 spare rooms) and Steph got sick of living in the boonies so she's decided to live here in the metropolis that is Narbonne til she goes back to England. Welcome Steph!!!
In other news....3 weeks til vacation time. Aston is coming back. (yay!) We're going to London and Dublin. I haven't been to London since I was 17 and I've never been to Dublin so v. v. exciting. Then if that wasn't enough fun traveling and visiting, my dad is also coming for 2 weeks after that. Originally the big plan was for my dad to come and visit during my 2 weeks vacation time. Then, due to scheduling concerns, he couldn't come until near the end of my holidays. No problem, we decided; we could still have lots of fun during the 4 vacation days and anyways, I only work 15 hours a week, so still lots of visiting time while I'm back at work. Dad and I will hightail it down to Spain as soon as he gets here (March 1st) and spend time in Barcelona. So, 3 countries in one holiday, I will be busy!


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