Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I (L) Soldes

It's soldes time in France right now...that means sales! In France, there aren't sales all year round, every store having a sale whenever that store owner decides, any old time. Oh no, the French must be different. So, twice a year (I believe) it's sales time and every store (from pharmacies to bookstores to clothing and shoe stores) all over France has a sale, for about 3 weeks. I bought a coat on the first day which I quite love. It's Mexx, and I saved about $150 CAD by buying here in France, during the sales time. Today I bought a black string bikini (yay summer!) at Decathlon that was only 5 euros per piece! Allison had me over for dinner tonight in her v. cute and teensy apartment and this is what the table looked like:


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