Saturday, January 14, 2006

In Cruzy

Last night was huge fun. There were 7 of us for dinner, all girls, and after dinner we broke out the whisky. So, about 3 bottles of wine, a nice dinner, a delicious chocolate cake, and the bottle of whisky later we headed out to Cote pub. Definitely 'happy' at that point, lots of laughing and singing along with the music. Met up with Louise and a friend of hers visiting but soon left there to go to a dancing place. It's not officially a nightclub but the closest thing we have to that in Narbonne within walking distance. Lots of dancing and silliness. Allison and I wanted to leave first around 2am and Stephanie had to come with me of course, since she was staying over. I have no idea how late the others stayed until. Aston got a nice drunken phone call, of course, then I ate a peanut butter sandwich and fell asleep. I wasn't too hungover this morning, just so tired. I made us all a nice brunch (the one meal we do better than the French, I was trying to convince Otalia- I think she almost agrees). Then Stephanie and I decided it would be fun to go for a hike together as she has a car and there are some nice trails near the countryside where she lives. So, I'm in Cruzy, the little village where she lives, about a half hour from Narbonne. I swiped the pictures from a real estate website. It actually looks a little less cheerful, being winter and all. No flowers. You can only take a car to get here so it was easier if I came back with her, then she only needs to drive me home tomorrow. She lives alone in a gigantic old house, housesitting for relatives dreaming to retire in the south of France. It's badly needing renovations and is absolutely HUGE. The place stunned me; it has amazing potential but half of the rooms are under construction. But, she's used to it now so it works for her. I have some funny pictures from dinner I will definitely post but not from Cruzy as I'm on Steph's computer and I haven't downloaded them off the camera yet. I hope everyone is having fun weekends. Love, Jessica


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