Wednesday, February 15, 2006

France has a wine crisis

I'm no Reuters news, so grain of salt and all, but according to conversations with my French friends, there's a serious wine crisis going on in France. The price of wine has gone down 33% in the past 2 years, according to Christophe, who works in the industry. New French wine comsumers just don't drink wine every day. They still might have a nice bottle of wine with a big Sunday lunch but nightly dinners are mostly wine-free.
Today there is a strike planned by vine growers to protest the current situation. In the south of France that can be quite dangerous apparently. All the teachers in my schools have advised me to avoid going out of my house during the 'procession' because people often break windows and get violent. I've noticed tons of shops and stores are closed in solidarity. Imagine that in Canada....the local beauty shop closed in solidarity for a strike?


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